Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Keeping Your Eyes On The Ball!

It’s not easy to own your own business! You have to constantly focus on the right things or you could lose whatever you have worked for all these years. One of the things that you need to be focused on is your Numbers. At any given time, you must be able to measure your numbers!

Some of these numbers are dollars and some are simply numbers. You have to watch them to see if they are decreasing or increasing in order to compete in this economy. A business that does not grow in their numbers is a business that will go bankrupt eventually. Some of the numbers that you will need to watch are as follows:

Number of Leads you are generating vs. last month.

Number of sales you have done vs. last month

Number of your expenses vs. last month

Number of lost business vs. last month

Watching your numbers helps you to set new goals and not lose the sight of what is important. Focus on your numbers at least once a week! Whether you’re an employee working for a company or if you own your own business, you have a job to do every day, and part of that responsibility is keeping your eyes on the ball at all times.

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At Thursday, May 3, 2007 at 8:17:00 AM PDT , Blogger Kids Kung-Fu said...

This is something John Graden has emphasized as well. He said that every successful MA schoolowner has a razor-sharp focus on their stats.

The problem is, a lot of people who get into the idea of running a school/club do it for the love of it, and may not be a numbers person.

Although Champions Way's products make it easier to track numbers, you still have to take the time to enter it in.

Nobody knows you better than yourself. If you know you are not the most disciplined number tracker, it is in your very best interest to hire or partner with someone who is.

I've seen quite a few successful schoolowners who are very lucky to have significant others to do this.

At Thursday, May 3, 2007 at 5:53:00 PM PDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keeping your eye on the ball has always been a challenge for me. I am not a school owner by any means but I think this advice can work for a lot of people nowadays in this fast paced world.

'Your path may change, so long as your goal always remains the same.'

This is why sports/martial arts is a great tool to live and learn by. It teaches you to set your eyes on something, and do whatever it takes to get there.

Good Post!

-Brian Combs


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